Creativity as a Resource

Concepts can never be presented to me merely, they must be knitted into the structure of my being, and this can only be done through my own activity.

~ M.P. Follett, Creative Experience, 1930

The only way to understand any theory is by doing things. Only thinking about it, theorizing about it, talking about it will not get you there. Thus I invite those who are curious to see where a blend of time perspective and creativity theories can take us, to join the journey!

creative time studio courses and workshops in 2018

Signup for the newsletter or follow on facebook to receive news about upcoming Creativity as a Resource courses and workshops  from Creative Time Studio.

Workshops (3 hours): Creative Rendezvous

Long-term courses (4 weeks): Rediscovering yourself: Creative flow as a resource

Intensive courses (2-3 days): Creative breaks: Amazing things you can do in 20 minutes


Trips and retreats: Finding Creative Flow








